Why Asking can be your #1 Strategy for Success

When I first launched my business, the first month was super tough. I was trying to build partnerships and had just graduated from Harvard and MIT. People still saw me as a student, not as a full fledged professional. 

When I asked for referrals and leads from thought leaders and friends, I got some great intros but I also found many hesitant without knowing exactly what I had to offer. I totally get it, it takes time for referrals to really happen.

Instead of waiting on others, I had to show what I offered first myself. I decided to approach some of my dream clients on my own-I approached over ten Fortune 500 executives, and almost every single one responded and followed up with me. Some led to full fledged projects, others led to just a phone chat to stay in touch. The truth is that: I learned more by reaching out than stepping back. I didn’t wait till a friend told me I was ready or introduced me.

We live in a world where it's easy to be fearful to ask for ways to help.  Obviously we must be prepared, informed and ready to be thoughtful about our ask. The same situation occurs all the time in many areas, when we wait to get in touch, to reach out, to CONNECT for projects, idea generation, brainstorms, campaigns or startups.

We must connect, and by connecting we ignite change and prosper over the long term.  This is the key principle in my own work on connectional intelligence as the key agent to generating breakthrough capacity in organizations and the world. Asking can be the #1 Strategy for Success for every leader of the future.

Who is one person that you’ve been dying to connect with, but just haven’t had the courage to reach out to on your own? First, reflect on WHY you want to get in touch with them. Then, reach out and set up a meeting. You NEVER know what it could lead to. And let me know what happens!


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  1. Finding great talent in terms of business is always challenging. If you have something to offer–absolutely make the ask and offer yourself up. By not asking, both you and the person who could benefit from your skills/knowledge miss out.

  2. edhawan says:

    Absolutely April! Hope you are making your dream ask!

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