How to Get Noticed Part Two

I’ve been very humbled and grateful to see the response to my most recent Forbes piece How To Get Noticed, Get Hired, and Get Just About Anything Else You Want Too.  With over 10,000 views in less than 48 hours and a plethora of emails from Gen Y leaders ‘getting noticed’ in my inbox, I’m clear of one thing:

The next generation wants to be heard and share their voice with the world. They want to connect with others in deeper ways and have conversations that matter in order to create the world we want to live in.

I’ve received emails from many of you sharing your stories with me, others who have asked for more networking tips, those who are in college and those who are senior leaders, all who resonated with the belief that they could connect with anyone and pursue their dreams.

There’s one more thing I want to share: this Forbes piece and my work is not only about getting noticed, its about getting noticed to act and change the world. It’s about understanding that, as leaders across generations, we need to connect with the voices of power and authority to understand their worldviews in order to influence our communities—it's not just about ‘getting ahead.’

We all know the power of networks is changing and communication across silos and hierarchies is essential. We also need to be more succinct, specific, and willing to get over our fears to make the connections we’d like to make.

So thank you for your sharing your energy and words in the past few days. Over the next few months, I’ll be sharing a series of posts that will help you get clearer on what you need to do to get noticed, hired, and just about anything you want –in a way that is authentic, meaningful, and matters for the challenges we face in the global world today. Keep sharing your questions with me and I'll be sure to answer them in my blog.

In the meantime, for more life lessons, explore my private collection of leadership & career tools, tipsheets & scripts . . . For free. Access to The Generational Alchemy LIBRARY is yours, when you jump on my mailing list.