Stepping into the end of the year

The end of the semester is always challenging: finals, cold weather, saying goodbye to friends, classes, and projects. But right now, I’m just grateful for all the experiences I’ve had this semester, for the people to came into my life and for the people I got closer to, and for the mentors and professors I learned from.

I am overdue for a long reflection on the semester. For now, check out my blog post about launch of Mujer a Mujer on MIT’s Community Innovators blog and videos on MIT Sloan’s site from the Agricultural Study Tour in India I co-led in March 2010.

Lastly, my TA, Nizar Farkash, pulled up three quotes in my last Public Narrative class that highlight lessons learned from the semester:

·         “It is harder to be kind than clever. Cleverness is gift, kindness is a choice.” -Jeff Bezos founder of

·         “Experience is what you get when you don’t get what you wanted”

·         “I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand” -Chinese Proverb


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