My trip to FabIndia

On Saturday, while most of the team was in Agra, Lilian Tse and I decided to venture to Khan Market in Delhi to FabIndia.

FabIndia started as an export house and has become a successful retail business presenting Indian textiles in a variety of natural fibers and home products including furniture, lights, lamps, stationery, home accessories, pottery and cutlery in the Indian domestic market

The FabIndia Organics section, which started in 2004, caught my eye. It was there where I saw the potential for organic processed foods: organic rice, honey mustard, turmeric powders, spices and teas across shelves.

I picked up Bill Bissell’s (CEO of FabIndia ) book, “Making India work.” His vision is to reimagine India-a future with rapid growth, thriving environment, and virtually no poverty. He notes that while regular consumption does not lead to a higher quality of life, conscious consumerism of environmentally sustainable products can have multifarious positive externalities across the value chain.

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