Know your Protectors

 Image courtesy of jannoon028/

Image courtesy of jannoon028/

The purpose of family is to protect you. An incredibly important need for human survival.

On the flipside, those who know you one way in a protector role will want to keep you in that box. They want to know you from the box you are in.

When you are leaping into a new career, a daring project, a fresh start, protectors sometimes want to keep you in the box and they don’t help you unleash your new power.

When this happens, don't ignore your protectors. You need them. Instead lean in a bit more and try to understand where they are coming from.

Listen to them and always ask: why are they saying what they are saying? Is a corporate exec mentoring you telling you to go to McKinsey? Is a book author saying that a book is the right way to launch a business?  Of course—that is their worldview. All advice is all opinion—based on what one knows from their life experience. Its not the answer, for you. YOU determine that for yourself.

So listen to your protectors, but also listen to that inner force that is guiding your new self in the world. 

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