“I’m crazy busy”

Image courtesy of Michal Marcol / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Image courtesy of Michal Marcol / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Have you heard or said this before? I’m sure guilty of it.

We are all busy—me, you, and everyone else.  There is not enough time to go to the gym, cook, meet with friends, start a new project, read a book, and call a friend.

The reality is that life is not about time but about commitment, connection to outrage, hope, and a belief that your leadership will lead to real change.  Saying "I am too busy" is an excuse. 

We must ground our work in commitments that matter rather than tell everyone we are just "too busy" already. It’s a cop-out. It doesn’t serve. Saying "I cant commit to this right now because XX" rather than "I’m really busy" is a much more truthful, honest and real conversation to have with ourselves and with other people. Knowing what matters and what doesn't matter is the end game, not having 'time' is all in our heads.

So when you feel "too busy", keep asking yourself: Are you spending your time and energy in your work connecting with the values that inspire you to act?

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