Get over being perfect

As I sat on my computer trying to write my blog post for today, I kept blanking and freezing, avoiding getting started because I thought it wouldn’t be good enough. Then I realized I had my whole orientation wrong and needed to stop trying to be perfect. It’s about getting better every day. I seek to dream, innovate, and develop world-changing ideas. So I need to do what I am most fearful to do and live my experiments out day by day. That’s how we improve: in small daily increments.

And of course, I may fail at times. Each failure will become a laboratory for the next lesson. When I hit failure, I can analyze what went wrong, figure out the next option and go back to the field.

For every Steve Jobs, there are hundreds or thousands that fail in the tech industry. Same case with politicians or musicians that never receive the training they needed. What we haven’t looked at is all the people who failed and weren’t born with Michael Jordan’s physical genius. They have learned to keep trying and adapting with new lessons for the future.

So what we need in next generation leadership is to tolerate failure, to tolerate despair, and to tolerate life. Get over being perfect, it’s about getting better everyday.

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