Archives for May 2018

Rachel Botsman: Building Trust In An Age of Distrust, Episode #23

The ability to build trust is a vital skill in our day in age. Institutions are viewed with skepticism and mistrust by the majority of people, and that is not only talking about banks and educational establishments. Facebook, Google, and many other large corporations are viewed with the same kind of pessimism. My guest today is Rachel Botsman, an accomplished author who has studied the issue of trust in depth and has some incredibly valuable advice for those who are seeking to build trust in an age of distrust. Listen to this episode to hear what she has to share. You will find that trust is at the bottom of every good or successful relationship.

[Tweet “.@RachelBotsman: Building #Trust In An Age of #Distrust, Episode #23 of #Masters of Leadership with @EDhawan. #GetBigThingsDone”]

Is technology helping us to place our trust in worthy places and people?

A casual look at the way people sign up for social media platforms and software packages these days might convince you that people are very trusting. For example, when is the last time you read every word of the terms of service on one of those websites? Probably never. But does that mean that you inherently trust those who own and operate the website? Rachel Botsman says that much more is going on than simple trust and distrust. There is a myriad of complicated emotion and thought that governs the way we give and receive trust. On this episode, she unpacks some of the detail behind those things to help us understand how those of us who are leading companies and organizations can build trust instead of destroying it.

Building trust is a skill every leader must have

Leadership is built on trust. It’s hard to be at the forefront of any movement or cause and expect people to follow you without it. Rachel Botsman says that leaders especially need to learn how to foster trust within their organizations or companies. A company culture that is powerful is a company culture where individuals have learned how to trust each other. Listen to this conversation as Rachel explains practical steps leaders can take to improve their ability to build trust with those they lead and those they serve alongside. These are powerful principles every leader must know.

[Tweet “Building #trust is a skill every #leader must have. Find out how you can do it on this episode of #Masters of Leadership with @RachelBotsman and @EDhawan. #GetBigThingsDone”]

Is there a difference between building trust internally within a company and externally with customers?

One of the things about trust that I was fascinated by as I spoke with Rachel is that trust in various contexts is built in different ways. For example, I asked her if there is any difference between how a leader would build trust with those internally, within their institution or company, and with those external to the company, such as customers. She says there is definitely a difference and those differences depend on things too numerous to mention in a short paragraph like this. Be sure you listen to this episode to find out how you can increase your leadership and trustworthiness with those you lead and with those you serve.

A trust crisis is occurring and you can be part of the solution

It is ironic when you think about the realities of the world we live in. Millions have lost faith in institutions and leaders but countless other millions of people rent their homes to total strangers, exchange currencies digitally, and even trust artificial intelligence in the form of messenger Bots. It’s what is often called “distributed trust” and is becoming more and more prevalent as technologies increase. By understanding exactly how trust is built, how you can better manage trust, and how trust is broken and repaired in the digital age, you will be better equipped to be part of the solution rather than more of the problem. Listen to this episode to find out more.

[Tweet “A #trust crisis is occurring and you can be part of the solution. @RachelBotsman and @EDhawan discuss the issue on this episode of #Masters of Leadership. #GetBigThingsDone”]

Outline of This Episode

  • [2:03] Leadership is when people have the ability to mobilize others
  • [4:24] Rachel’s fascination with “trust” and why she wrote her book
  • [9:08] How the trust shift is impacting institutions and what they should do about it
  • [12:10] Advice for leaders in an age when trust is hard to come by
  • [14:57] Building trust internally in a company VS externally
  • [17:23] Advice for those who are looking for trustworthy people for their team
  • [19:10] Rachel’s definition of trust

Resources & People Mentioned

Connect with Erica


[Tweet “Is #technology helping us to place our #trust in worthy places and people? Join @RachelBotsman and @EDhawan on this episode of #Masters of Leadership. #GetBigThingsDone”] [Tweet “Is there a difference between building #trust internally within a company and externally with #customers? @RachelBotsman and @EDhawan discuss the issue on this episode of #Masters of Leadership. #GetBigThingsDone”]

Dr. David Burkus: Understanding And Making The Most of Your Personal Network, Episode #22

Anytime we begin to talk about a personal network, there are people in the conversation who break out in a cold sweat. That’s because they have been given advice about networking and tried to apply it and the results were less than stellar. In fact, many of us have very sour taste in our mouths because of the miserable networking advice we’ve tried to apply. My guest on this episode of the podcast, Dr. David Burkus has written a new book entitled, “Friend of a Friend.” It’s his remarkable attempt to examine the actual research that exists about how networks actually work. It’s not a collection of anecdotes crammed into short chapters of pithy advice, it is actual data that explains how networks operate and debunks the myths about personal networks many of us believe. Listen to this fascinating conversation and you will learn how to make better use of your personal network.

[Tweet “@DavidBurkus : Understanding And Making The Most of Your Personal #Network, Episode 22 of #MastersOfLeadership with @EDhawan #GetBigThingsDone #networking”]

Why you need to understand the network you are actually in and act accordingly

Most of the books you read or advice you hear about the topic of networking are based on first-hand accounts and experiences. My guest today, Dr. David Burkus points out that that is a dataset of one. It’s not a very reliable source of knowing what is normally true in most cases. He suggests that we look at the actual research that’s been done about how personal networks operate to better understand best practices. He says understanding networks is not the issue, but understanding the actual network you are a part of is the real key. In our conversation, he outlines some of the things you need to consider about your personal network in order to make the best decisions about how you should interact with people within it. It’s a valuable conversation you won’t want to miss.

Do you know how to make your personal network work for you AND for others?

We often think of networking from the perspective of what we can get out of it. Surely, there is an aspect in which we want to benefit from the relationships we invest in, but that benefit usually comes from being a giver, not a taker. David Burkus explains that it is important for us to take the time to understand our network in all of its intricacies and nuances so that we can better respond to the people we correspond with and know – in ways that actually benefit them and us at the same time. You’ll find out how David recommends you do that, on this episode.

[Tweet “Do you know how to make your personal #network work for you AND for others? @DavidBurkus shares data one how to do it, on this episode of #MastersOfLeadership with @EDhawan #GetBigThingsDone #networking”]

What are the best-practices to effectively leverage your digital network connections?

One of the promises that social media made in its beginning days was that we would be able to build our personal networks faster and more deeply as a result of using social media. David Burkus says that is only partly true. We are able to carry on conversations and discover things about the people with internet with through social media, but very seldom does that interaction take the place of real, face-to-face relationships. David explains how we can make good use of social media to build existing relationships and why it’s often necessary to organize face-to-face meetings in addition to the social media interactions we have on a day-to-day basis.

Networking tip: Don’t ask a friend for an introduction to one of their friends

One of the things I was curious to receive David’s thoughts about was how he recommends a person should go about asking for an introduction from one of their friends. His answer: Don’t. In David’s view, that approach puts the friend in a position that is uncomfortable for them at the least and potentially dangerous to their relationship with the person you want the introduction to, at the worst. He has a better idea: inquire broadly throughout your network for people who specialize in the areas you’re focused on at that time. The responses you get will be generous, eager, and much more helpful than pursuing the one person you think you really need to meet. David has a great deal of practical advice like this to share, all based on research. You can hear it on this episode.

[Tweet “#Networking tip: Don’t ask a friend for an #introduction to one of their friends. Find out why @DavidBurkus makes this recommendation on this episode of #MastersOfLeadership with @EDhawan #GetBigThingsDone #networking”]

Outline of This Episode

  • [0:47] What David believes about when a person becomes a leader
  • [2:54] The reasons David wrote his book: a fascination with network science
  • [7:25] Key questions to ask yourself to make your network work for you
  • [11:54] Digital networking: Best-practices to effectively leverage it
  • [14:33] Do stylistic choices we make in digital communication matter to your network?
  • [18:55] The highlights David feels are most important in his book
  • [21:40] Advice for those who want to become smart networkers
  • [25:02] What’s the best way to ask a friend for an introduction to one of their friends?

Resources & People Mentioned

Connect with Erica


[Tweet “Why you need to understand the #network you are actually in and act accordingly. #Networking data and recommendations from @DavidBurkus on this episode of #MastersOfLeadership with @EDhawan #GetBigThingsDone #networking”] [Tweet “What are the best-practices to effectively leverage your digital #network #connections? Discover @DavidBurkus’ advice on this episode of #MastersOfLeadership with @EDhawan #GetBigThingsDone #networking”]

Dr. Naomi Baron: Maximizing and Using Digital Communication Skills In Leadership, Episode #21

Digital communication skills are something every leader in this day and age need to not only learn but master. The digital nature of the way we communicate has brought a number of challenges with it that we need to understand and address effectively. Dr. Naomi Baron was invited to be my guest on this episode simply because her expertise in the realm of communication makes her a wonderful person to educate leaders about the new forms of communication that exist, how they are being used, and how the relationship between language and leadership can be maximized in the digital age. Dr. Baron is a former Guggenheim Fellow, Fulbright Fellow, and Visiting Scholar at the Stanford Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences and has published eight books.

[Tweet “Dr. Naomi Baron: Maximizing and Using #Digital #Communication Skills In #Leadership, Episode #21 of #MastersOfLeadership with @EDhawan. #GetBigThingsDone”]

Leadership is about how we use language

Leadership is definitely about influence, but how does that influence primarily take place? The only way influence can really take place is through communication, either verbal or non-verbal. That is one of the things Dr. Baron intimates when she says that leadership is really about how we use language. Influence cannot be effectively exerted without skill at communicating things like vision, processes, strategies, and more. Join me for this conversation with Dr. Baron as she shares extensively from her own research and the research of others about how communication in the digital age is changing the way leaders need to relate to the people they lead.

Leaders of digital teams should remember this maxim: “Less haste = more speed”

The rapid pace at which communication happens via digital means pushes all of us into a mindset where immediate responses and multitasking seem to be mandatory. But Dr. Baron points out that when we don’t take the time to proofread what we key into a device, which often happens with texting and messaging, we actually make more work for ourselves and waste energy and time in the communication. She advises that leaders of digital teams develop the digital communication skill of patient and careful responses. This will enable them to avoid the re-dos necessary to make up for mistakes that were made through haste. Insights like this are one of the reasons I was eager to have Dr. Baron on the show. Please take the time to listen to this episode. You will learn a great deal about the need for better digital communication skills and how to develop them.

[Tweet “#Leaders of #digital #teams should remember this maxim: “Less haste = more speed.” Find out why Dr. Naomi Baron encourages this mindset on this episode of #MastersOfLeadership with @EDhawan. #GetBigThingsDone”]

Leaders of teams need to set communication standards and model them

For the sake of effectiveness and efficiency in the workplace, it is imperative that leaders of teams clearly set expectations around the use of digital communication. Team members need to know what forms of communication are important and accepted, and what time frames are expected in relation to communication with team members and customers or clients. But in addition, Dr. Baron points out that leaders need to model those standards just as much as they need to create them. Demonstration of good practices is one of the key ways that anyone in a position of authority is able to communicate the importance and practicality of the standard that has been set forth. If you are a leader, have you established standards for your team’s digital communication practices? If so, are you demonstrating them in your own behavior?

There is incredible power in a prompt digital thank you

As Dr. Baron and I wrapped up our conversation she shared one of the most powerful lessons she has learned about the use of digital communication. Anyone can send an email to say thank you, but the speed with which a person is able to do it communicates volumes about their intentionality in the relationship. Dr. Baron shares a few examples where she was thanked via email or text for something she had done, within hours of having done it. The immediacy of the gesture is what impressed her most and gave her a very positive and favorable impression of the person on the other end of the communication. She points out that if the thank you had come weeks later, it would not have meant so much to her and she would not have the same impression of the person. This is a lesson leaders can apply immediately. The mindfulness to be quick with thanks or appreciation can go a long way toward building relationships that last and fuel our success.

[Tweet “There is incredible power in a prompt digital #ThankYou. Dr. Naomi Baron shares her own experience and insights on this episode of #MastersOfLeadership with @EDhawan. #GetBigThingsDone #Leadership #Communication”]

Outline of This Episode

  • [1:22] Dr. Baron’s idea of what leadership really is and how communication figures into it
  • [3:50] Is there a difference between onscreen and offscreen reading?
  • [8:32] Do newfound forms of communication impact HOW we communicate?
  • [13:36] The most common communication challenges, including in digital communication
  • [19:50] Dr. Baron’s view of the similarities and differences between how genders communicate
  • [28:15] What has changed in communication because of devices?
  • [38:55] What questions should leaders be asking to better lead digital teams?
  • [42:20] Does digital communication differ depending on work hierarchy?
  • [47:30] The incredible power of a prompt digital thank-you

Resources & People Mentioned

Connect with Erica


[Tweet “#Leadership is about how we use #language. Hear Dr. Naomi Baron share how #digital #communication is changing the way we #lead, on this episode of #MastersOfLeadership with @EDhawan. #GetBigThingsDone”] [Tweet “#Leaders of #teams need to set #communication standards and model them. Discover why this advice is so powerful from Dr. Naomi Baron, on this episode of #MastersOfLeadership with @EDhawan. #GetBigThingsDone”]