Archives for December 2013

Stop Working: Build Your Life’s Work in 2014

Red2000 | Dreamstime Stock Photos | Stock Free ImagesThis is a season for 'productivity' tips and resolution mania. But this year, I'm uninterested in focusing on "planning my work and life" and instead focused on building my life's work. Instead of organizing my life around my work, I'm more interested in organizing my work around my intention in my life. When we reframe productivity or daily tasks as doing the work that matters, it's not about tasks or technologies, it is about having a passion for the challenge we choose to face. So this new year, instead of searching for the next health or work tip, figure out what in your story, in your values calls you to act and makes you want to create something that matters, and you'll reach farther than you'll ever expect. 

This statement, from the inspiring Dr. King, exemplifies the essence of building a life's work:

"Whatever your life's work is, do it well. A man should do his job so well that the living, the dead, and the unborn could do it no better." – Martin Luther King, Jr.

What is your life's work in 2014?

Happy New Year!