Archives for April 2010

The Human Operating Ecosystem

“The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them” –Albert Einstein

Today, I spent my afternoon with dozens of other student entrepreneurs at the NCIIA Venture Well program. I didn’t know what I would gain when I walked in. But when I walked out at 7pm in the evening, I had really “pushed my mental reset button.”

We looked at a basic equation: Event + Response =Outcome. Through our modules, it became clear that in life, people try to control events through filters, generalizations, deletions, and distortions. I realized that my business ideas are only a working hypothesis and how important it is to sort what is truly effective and efficient.

Customers and markets will do what they are “supposed to do.” So as much as I can understand the human operating ecosystem, the better off I will be.

How do you live a life where…

From March 30..

You are fully grounded? authentic? honest?

This morning I woke up to chai and biscuits within 5 minutes of waking up, a fresh omelete after my shower, and soon after a driver outside to drive me to visit IDE India. Yes, you’re right this is not Boston-it’s New Delhi. But this got me thinking about the role of the socially minded elite. We sit in AC cars and visit poverty reduction organizations, we give money to  create nonprofits and foundations in our name but do we even give 20 Rs to the woman on the street who we pass everyday? This is the dichotomy of India, so rich and so poor.

I feel if I want to serve the poor, I need to understand how they live. But I live a totally different life. I have been fortunate to have middle class family in Delhi. This really struck me staying in my Masi’s home. We see and we aid, but what are we really doing?