Leading Authority Mastermind

A comprehensive program to elevate you as a recognized thought leader in your industry, position you to get paid more for your expertise and open the door to more freedom and opportunity in your life.

Imagine this is the year that.....

  • You become recognized and well-known in your industry to create more income AND get more time with your family
  • You take back control of your time, energy, and attention in your personal and professional life
  • You build followers, land on live or online stages for your expertise, and make more money — without burning out
  • You connect with a vibrant community of like-minded leaders with accountability and support  

Leading Authority Mastermind

A comprehensive course + coaching to help you get paid more for your knowledge and become a recognized leader in your industry.

This course is perfect for anyone who has said:

  • “I would love to be more known for my expertise — and even be on stage as a speaker but I don’t even know where to start! It feels overwhelming.”
  • “I have a vision for what people should know me for, but I second guess my choices on how to ‘brand’ myself.”
  • “I really want to get paid to speak, but I can’t seem to find the time to do all of the extra pitching and branding and writing and…I’m exhausted.”
  • “I want to be in the spotlight! But I don’t want to be pushy about selling myself and don’t have a team, budget, or time.”
  • “If I want to have a bigger career and be known for my expertise, I don’t know what my options are: do I need to hire people or do this myself?”

In the Leading Authority Mastermind, you’ll come away with:

  • One Year Branding Strategy: You’ll gain an understanding of your message and target audience, effectively eliminating the frustration of not knowing where to start or what to do this year to get paid more and become more recognized.
  • Mastered Workflow Without a Big Team, Budget or Overwhelm: You’ll learn a proven workflow that allows you to create the career and life you love, even when you’re busy or stuck – or learn how to leverage the right people to help (even ChatGPT!)
  • How to Get Paid More for Your Expertise Implementation Plan: You’ll unravel the mystery of being a recognized thought leader in your industry and understand the steps that it takes for a online and offline brand to come to life. This knowledge will empower you to make informed decisions, from choosing the best route to getting help and negotiating contracts.
  • How to Uniquely Position Yourself on Stages: You’ll discover how to create a compelling true brand that resonates with your target audience and stands out in the market.
  • How to Get Access to High Profile Events: You’ll learn how to create and implement a successful marketing plan that generates buzz for you, draws in your target followers, and gets you access to high profile events. Plus, you’ll discover how to connect with your audience and turn them into loyal fans who eagerly anticipate your ideas.

My name is Erica Dhawan, and in the past 10 years, I’ve built a multimillion dollar speaking and training company, written 2 bestselling books and been named one of the top 50 management thinkers in the world.

Why does this matter to you? Becoming a leading authority opens doors, get paid more, and allows you to spend more time with family. And most of all, it’s given meaning to my life by enabling me to change the lives of others.

But just like you, I started this journey with a tiny platform and no community, and built my way to this level. I’ve used all my learnings to build a machine that has helped me hit the Wall Street Journal bestseller list, Global Gurus List and Thinkers50.

I’ve seen everything in this industry, and I’ve helped others just like you navigate through it. 

Most people who are successful as a recognized expert don’t look like me. And if I can do it, you can too. You can absolutely become a top thought leader in your industry. I’m here to guide you.

Leading Authority Mastermind:

Six weeks to change your life.


6 x 1.5 hour sessions.

One part training, one part mastermind.

Facilitated and coached by renowned leadership expert

and bestselling author, Erica Dhawan.


Session 1: Unleash Your Expert Potential: Discover the Hidden Expertise Within You. Get Clear on Your Target Audience and Message. Build a Magnetic Brand

✅ Session 2: Become a Recognized Industry Speaker: Cultivate 1:1 Connections That Land Speaking Invitations, Business Opportunities, Promotions and Recognition

✅ Session 3: Build a Community of SuperFans: Strategies to Target Your Audience and Build Trust Across All Multiple Channels

✅ Session 4: From Idea to Execution: Planning and Creating Content that Resonates (My Proven System Revealed) including articles, books, speeches or social media

✅ Session 5: Create Recession Proof Career and Income: Monetize Your Expertise. Find the Right Delivery For Your Audience. Create a Sustainable Business Model

✅ Session 6: Charter Your Journey as a Recognized Leading Authority in Your Industry: Implementation Plan to Become Known and Recognized. Achieve Impact and Income through Multiple Structures

Everybody's Talking about Erica...


✅ BONUS Session: From Book Launch to Multi-Million Dollar Speaking Career

As a 2x bestselling author, coaching sessions with Erica start at $10K/day. As a member of the founding class, you’ll have the opportunity to participate in an additional session where she’ll share the false starts, hard lessons, and eventual secrets to success on her journey to becoming a bestselling author, consultant and speaker. (Value: $5,000)

✅ Book Proposal Template - Path to a WSJ Bestselling Author

With this exclusive fill-in-the-blank style template, you’ll be able to easily create your own book proposal to expand your thought leadership in print. The template is based on the exact book proposal that Erica used to secure her book deals and share her epic book launch strategies. (Value: $2,000)

✅ Keynote Speaking and Consulting Engagement Template - Path to a Paid Speaker/Advisor

With Erica’s exclusive contract templates, you’ll be able to get paid more for your expertise, build and protect your intellectual property and negotiate effectively. (Value: $2,000)

✅ You’ll also get:

  • Access to workshop recordings 
  • Slide decks from all workshops 


Total Value: $20,000.
One Time Payment of $1,997.
Seven Day Money Back Guarantee

“Hiring Erica Dhawan as an advisor has easily been one of the best business decisions I have ever made. Within the last three years that I worked with Erica, we saw massive shifts in executive development growth. Even more importantly, Erica is willing to ask me the hard questions and challenge us all to elevate. Erica truly cares about my success and I’m so grateful for her support.” – Rajeev Ronanki, CEO at Lyric

“I have leveraged Erica as a leadership coach and mentor. She is thoughtful, inspirational, and smart with a contagious positive energy.” – Lisa McCann, Chief Operating Officer & Global Head of Customer Success and Delivery Services at Korn Ferry

“Erica has a remarkable understanding of what it really takes to succeed in business and life –– connecting with people. She is unbelievably smart at crafting programs that set leaders in motion to do great things. Her passion and caring are palpable and infectious.” – Tiffany Dufu, President at Tory Burch Foundation

The Mastermind is for you if:

  • You read articles written by “experts” and feel like you could have written that article! You know you have something more to add to the conversation in your industry.
  • You feel a tingle of envy when you see updates from that one friend on LinkedIn who got another article published, or was featured on another podcast. You are hesitant to admit it out loud… but that should be you!
  • You have been a mentor and role model for many juniors in your career, and you’d love to take that mentorship to the masses. You have valuable ideas and advice you would love to share with more people, if only you had the platform.
  • You are tired of working as hard as you work and sacrificing enjoying your personal life, and not even being recognized for your commitment, effort, and expertise.

And NOW is the time.


How long is each program session?

Each session will be 90 minutes, split into two parts. Erica will teach a live, online training for 45 minutes and then host 45 minutes of group mastermind and hot seat coaching.

There’s a lot of information out there about becoming a more influential leader. How will the Leading Authority Mastermind be different?

Erica already is a proven thought leader, with a multimillion dollar business. She’s already done it, so she can share specific tactics that worked for her so that you can do them too. (She’ll also share things she spent time on that were a waste and obstacles to avoid.) A lot of the information out there is theoretical, and there’s so much of it that it’s hard to figure out who you can trust. Erica isn’t just a self-knighted trainer who is trying to help you get rich quick: she’s a renowned expert and successful business woman who believes in elevating diverse voices of leaders around the world, and is ready to share what she’s learned with you.

I don’t have a big platform like you, so does it make sense for me to try the course?

You don’t need a giant platform to become a thought leader, and you don’t need a giant platform to have valuable words for someone else. Just because your platform isn’t massive doesn’t mean you’re doomed to fail. And that is exactly what Erica will teach you. It’s ideal whether you are an employee for a company or are an entrepreneur. 

If I miss one of the live sessions, will I be able to catch up?

YES! You will have access to the replays of every session!

What’s the refund policy?

As an exclusive member of Mastermind, you’re getting the lowest rate this course will ever be and we’ve carefully designed our course to ensure your satisfaction and commitment to this transformative journey. Please note that refunds will only be available within the first 7 days of purchasing the course. We firmly believe in the quality and impact of our course, and our commitment to your success drives us to create the most enriching learning experience possible.

Will there be a community?

Yes, Erica will be hosting an online community for all learners. The community is set up to drive accountability and help leaders build support on their career journey. 

Trusted by the world’s leading organizations

Total Value: $20,000.
One Time Payment of $1,997.
Seven Day Money Back Guarantee.

Everyone's talking about the Mastermind...